Geoffrey Fox

Reflections & Inquiries

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In case anybody has been wondering about my long blog silence, the reason is that I was putting all my writing energy into completing my novel THE BOOKBINDER. It was a challenge to work out the conclusion of such a complex story and took longer than I had hoped, but it’s done and off to a literary agent. I’ll post a teaser, the opening paragraphs. And now will be able to post more reflections and inquiries on varied subjects. Thanks for listening.

As you may know, I rely heavily on my editorial associates, Lion and Bear, in my work. Lion has a very short attention span but sometimes comes up with brilliantly unexpected ideas; Bear is a much steadier, patient worker, excellent at the painstaking research this book required. (The image above comes from

You can also see them, or their ancestors, on the Bruges  (Belgium) coat of arms.

Lion & Bear arguing over narrative structure