Geoffrey Fox

Reflections & Inquiries

Rabble, a review en français

2023.01.05 - Tags: , ,

I am truly delighted — ravi serait le mot juste— by this review of Rabble! by Michèle Audin, and especially by her call for the book to be translated into French. Her critique litteraire has just arrived as an early Three Kings Day gift.

Un mot sur Michèle Audin : Besides being a distinguished mathematician, professor and author of books on the field, she is a novelist and nonfiction author of several books and essays on the Paris Commune and its personalities, and of her frequently updated blog also on the Paris Commune (, which is where she has published her review of my novel. Here is her Wikipedia capsule bio:

Michèle Audin (Algiers, 3 January, 1954) is a French mathematician, writer, and a former professor. She has worked as a professor at the University of Geneva, the University of Paris-Saclay and most recently at the University of Strasbourg, where she performed research notably in the area of symplectic geometry.[1][2][3]

Pour mes amis français ou polyglottes : une critique litteraire par une écrivaine très bien informée. Rabble, de Geoffrey Fox