Geoffrey Fox

Reflections & Inquiries

Weaving us back together


The shooting in Orlando is just one more confirmation of how badly our social fabric is torn, and of the many and desperate people there are trying to tear us further apart. While browsing in a bookstore, Le Merle Moqueur, in Paris last week, my eye was caught by this little book, which turned out … read more »

The end of the world: Long, mid and near view


We feel it — don’t you? “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold”. Everything is changing so fast, so many crises are coming one on top of another, we can sense that the world is again coming to an end, as it did for Yeats and his  generation in 1914-1919. Or for the Ancien régime … read more »

Cartoonists cartooned


(From my files) If you expand the image, you’ll see that I made these sketches of Matt Wuerker, Tom Tomorrow (Dan Perkins), Ted Rall and Peter Kuper at the 2001 Socialist Scholars Conference in New York. Click for more recent work by Matt Wuerker, Tom Tomorrow, Ted Rall, and Peter Kuper.

A popular freebie


Today I received this notice from “Your most popular paper for the week was Liberty and People: Ideological Analysis of the Political Writings of Simón Bolívar, which had 8 views.” Almost every week, someone — in some weeks, a dozen or more — consults this essay that I wrote in 1982 for the “PRIMERA … read more »

Five-year plan


Today I celebrated my 75th birthday with friends in a restaurant (also run by friends) here in our village, and shared with them this reflection in Spanish,  Un mayor de la tribu. I posted a similar, but more developed, statement in English 5 years ago, Becoming an elder. In a nutshell, I’m saying that I … read more »