Geoffrey Fox

Reflections & Inquiries

Always on the brink


In his column Germany on the Brink, Ross Douthat gives a convincing description of the social destabilization sure to come from the refugee influx. So many young men so suddenly will not be absorbed peaceably. But what will be the consequences of closing German borders, as he proposes? Not just for Germany, but for all of Europe? … read more »

Shazam! for the New Year

2015.12.31 - Tags:

Nothing changes on New Year’s but the date, and that only because of arbitrary accommodation of astronomy to Roman festivals, politics and bureaucratic convenience.* But no matter; arbitrary or not, it’s a good occasion for us to make some changes. A time for self-centering. I don’t mean becoming narcissistic, unconcerned about others, but simply centering … read more »

Daesh and its conflicting enemies


The Paris attacks last Friday have so rattled everyone, at least in Europe, that they have superseded all other news. But the obsessive focus on that stunning violence and dramatic personal stories in that fabled city, the heart of western civilization and all that Daesh (or ISIS or ISIL or whatever) is not, can make … read more »

Türkiye’ye gidiyoruz


“Turkey, here we come,” that says. I expect to write some blog posts and possibly a more ambitious article on some of the big changes going on there, continuing a fascination that began on our first visit, nearly 20 years ago, when we explored İstanbul and then, by ferry to İzmir and then in a … read more »

İstanbul bound


We’re heading back to Turkey, just in time for the snap elections Erdoğan has called for 1 November — because he refuses to accept the results of the vote in the elections last June, which would have required his government to come to an agreement with the opposition. This now-famous and much lampooned photo of … read more »