The grinch that wants to steal Catalonia

We’re enjoying this season in our little apartment in Madrid — sunny days, museums and all the shows this great city has to offer. And we’re watching with a mix of amusement and dismay the ridiculous clowning of the “independentistas” in Cataluña/Catalunya and especially the tourist “refugees” in Belgium. Dismay that so many people can … read more »
The phantom republic and the spinning left

They have finally done it! After weeks of confusing messages, yesterday the Catalan parlament conjured the illusion of an independent republic. By secret vote (because the vote was illegal), in the name of liberty (llibertat) they have abandoned legal self-government for a phantom and illegal republic, with no viable economy, no international recognition, and no … read more »
Impressions of Denmark

Our visit to Copenhaguen last week was too brief for more than impressions, but enough to awaken greater interest in Denmark, the Danes and the history of Europe from the perspective of the northern Germanic peoples. Here are my notes on some of what I learned. Denmark today is a small country but it was … read more »
Catalonia now

I just wrote this on Facebook to a friend who posted the article from The Nation (link below). They’ve generated a terrible crisis, together, the independentistas with their lies and impossible promises and the Madrid government with its refusal to discuss the political problem. Independence is impossible now, its costs would be unbearable (and it … read more »
The invention of races
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates My rating: 4 of 5 stars This book will require a longer, more thoughtful response, after I’ve had more time to reflect on the complex issues that Coates addresses. Particularly, why and how so many Americans need to “believe themselves white” and what that means. I am … read more »