Türkiye’ye gidiyoruz

“Turkey, here we come,” that says. I expect to write some blog posts and possibly a more ambitious article on some of the big changes going on there, continuing a fascination that began on our first visit, nearly 20 years ago, when we explored İstanbul and then, by ferry to İzmir and then in a … read more »
İstanbul bound

We’re heading back to Turkey, just in time for the snap elections Erdoğan has called for 1 November — because he refuses to accept the results of the vote in the elections last June, which would have required his government to come to an agreement with the opposition. This now-famous and much lampooned photo of … read more »
Altermodern times

Commonwealth by Michael Hardt My rating: 3 of 5 stars Stimulating because of the questions it raises, not because of the answers for which we shall have to continue to grope. Or perhaps there are no answers to what is becoming of this world, where nation, state, class have become so diffuse that they seem … read more »
What really happened? Editing our memories

“Memory actually works more like a Wikipedia page,” says [forensic psychologist Elizabeth] Loftus. “You can go into your page and change things. But so can other people.” I’ve known or suspected this since I was very young and became aware that I couldn’t really trust my own memory, and had to be equally suspicious of … read more »
Attack on New York

On this 14th anniversary, I’ve reposted my 5-day journal on the “Attack on New York” — witnessed from close by. You can read the five entries here: Attack on New York, from Unsolicited Comments, 2001.