Geoffrey Fox

Reflections & Inquiries

Rabble, a review en français

2023.01.05 - Tags: , ,

I am truly delighted — ravi serait le mot juste— by this review of Rabble! by Michèle Audin, and especially by her call for the book to be translated into French. Her critique litteraire has just arrived as an early Three Kings Day gift. Un mot sur Michèle Audin : Besides being a distinguished mathematician, … read more »

Projects for the new year

2022.12.31 - Tags: , , , ,

This coming June will be the 60th anniversary of my Harvard graduating class. There, at our reunion in Cambridge MA, Susana and I hope to see f2f  and embrace classmates that I have seen recently only by Zoom, including in our weekly gatherings hosted and organized by classmate Kent Garrett, author of a very good … read more »

“Rabble!” and related books

2022.12.12 - Tags: , ,

Just published on For authors, is a great way to put your work in the context of other writing you admire. Here, on my page, you will see some description of each recommended book and why I chose it. To continue my larger theme of the eternal struggle of people seeking to create … read more »

Forbidden to laugh

2022.08.13 - Tags: , ,

The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie My rating: 5 of 5 stars The news of the stabbing of Salman Rushdie (2022.08.12) has made me want to celebrate once again this wonderful, hilarious satyrical novel. Which I now want to reread. I just found my handwritten review from my journal, written shortly after its publication. Here … read more »

After Bucha…

2022.05.10 - Tags: ,

The massive Russian invasion of Ukraine and the savage cruelties of many of Russia’s soldiers have brought to mind for me and many other journalists and writers Adorno’s anguished lament of almost 80 years ago : “After Auschwitz, to write a poem is barbaric…” … and that barbarism “is why it has become impossible to … read more »